Hi! I’m Rik.
I’m a life coach living in The Netherlands.
This website is my online home. A place where I think out loud, put my thoughts up for reflection, and share what i’ve learned.
A little bit about me
Before training to become a coach I had all kinds of jobs within audio and video production.
About 5 years ago, when I was at a very low point, I discovered that food and lifestyle have a massive impact on my (mental) health. And that I could focus my thinking and research on getting better.
Since then, I’ve been hooked on self-improvement and practical philosophy, researching and experimenting myself back to optimal health.
This led me to the profession of (health) coaching. I got trained and I’m now building my business as a life coach.
What I write about
Ultimately, I love to think and write about how things work and interconnect. Topics that I focus on are:
Self-improvement. Building good habits. Food and lifestyle. Questions: What does the body need to function optimally? How does the human brain work and how to best support it?
Practical Philosophy. I’m inspired by all thinkers that provide us with knowledge we can implement in our lives. Big inspirations are Stoicism, Taoism and the work of Jordan Peterson and Viktor Frankl. Questions: What does it mean to live a good life? How to live and make meaningful connections?
Psychology. I love to learn about psychology, communication and how we use language. My thoughts on coaching and Internal Family Systems. Questions: How can we integrate the inevitable trauma we encounter in life? How can we help others become better?
The future of education. I’m interested in how we learn as humans and how to improve education. Questions: What do children need grow up? What is adulthood?
What I’m working on in the background
A self-raising course for (young) adults.
A full family support coaching program.
An interpretation of the Daodejing.
Odds and ends
I’m a newbie Logseq user.
I’ve never owned a smartphone.
I love standup comedy and card magic.